I am fully aware of piranha husbandry and the misinformation attached to their status. I am also fully aware that the majority of piranha species are skittish by nature and would rather not attack anything outright. Domestic counterparts often do not assume such predatory demeanors such as in the wild; however, there are many variables as to why that I won't even bother covering. If this indeed is unreasonable to accomplish, do inform the many aquariums and zoological societies that have already accomplished this feet in aquaria. My statement was not to emphasize that Potamotrygon spp. can always be housed with piranha, but rather that it is possible, has been done, and more-so that there are numerous fish spp. that can co-habitate with Potamotrygon spp. This is fact. In conclusion, I was merely trying to provide corrective information to the thread, but apparently you know all there is *rolls eyes.* By the way, even for a smaller sp. of Potamotrygon, your aquarium size is still not adequate for reliable long-term rearing/breeding. Knowing all that you do, you should have realized this *double eye roll.* Enjoy your night and not to worry, I won't bother you by responding to your thread any longer