YouTube: Holy Stupidity Batman
I was just watching peoples snake vids on youtube, and I am in utter and complete AWE of the stupidity of people.
One girl shows off her new "ball python" to her neighbors, which is actually a BCI... hello!
NEARLY ALL the feeding videos are of people feeding live, and not only feeding live but feeding live in all the wrong ways. Some of these people claim to be professional breeders, too. Just shameful.
But I couldnt help but be amazed at how many people dont know what their snakes are! Tons of people calling burmese "albino ball pythons." One person had an ATB listed as a GTP... the list goes on and on.
So in honor of halloween month, if you need a good scare, check out youtube for all the horrors of herpkeeping. I cant believe people POST this crap!
1.0.0 Ball Python Omega
1.0.0 Amel Corn Bob Dylan