Baby Tortoises????
Hello everybody, first post here, in desperation.
I live in Qatar, 5 years ago a friend gave us 2 tortoises, I have no idea what type they are.
Anyway, baby tortoises have now starting to appear, about 2/3cm diameter. It is 50 deg outside now and lots of ants. One baby I found dead, covered in ants. Question is, did the ants kill it shortly after hatching, or only eating it once dead. The next one I found, I took no chances, I have him in a tank.
The big question ............ how do I keep him alive?
I am not a experience tortois keeper. We do not see the parents in the garden from one month to the next, but they are obviously happy out there.
I have sprinklers coming on twice a day, hence maintaining a green, if not hot, habitat.
If it is possible to up load a photo here, let me know how, it might help to identify the type of tortoise.
All advice welcome,