Need ideas for 75g tank
Ok, looks like I'm getting a free 75g tank from my boss on Monday, and I'm trying to think of what to put in it. Right now, I'm really liking the idea of having one end say...8 inches deep or so, and having gravel or whatever build up and have the other half of the tank be land for some sort of "rain foresty-reptile"... I'd have live plants, and all that, branches, etc..I'm thinking that a small submersible filter would be better than like a canister or other for the water side...
But what reptile could i put in a tank like this, besides turtles? Are there any lizards that would swim and go on the land/branches and stuff? Like i know iguanas in the wild will hang out on trees that overhang a river, and then just plop down into the water and swim around...but those would outgrow a 75 very quickly, right?
Or are there any snakes that would do good in there?
Thanks for any ideas!