Info on Children Pythons?
Hi all, im new to this forum and found alot of useful info. I have a beautiful 6 month old childrens python, excellent temper and personality, only bitten me once, and eats his food every time i offer him. Being my first snake im thirsty for knowledge on these snakes, what healthy weights are, he's currently about 58cm,22 inches i think that is (we dont work inches in Australia) and weighs 52grams (has slowed down growing and starting to thicken up, puts on roughly a gram a week), when to step them up to bigger food- he never gets anything thicker than him, and one that has baffled me so far, how often should he shed? he has shed once since i've had him and it came off in one clean piece with no left over, he was supposedly about 7-8 weeks old when i got him, but i think he was a bit older, and may of shed then. I've not had a problem at all with him so far but want the best for him, the more i know the better.
I think im doing well so far and have helped some mates out with their children and spotted that they had problems with. Any web sites you can recommend or books worth reading would be great.
look forward to any feedback, or maybe even giving some advice i have found usefull.