Just found this site
Well, as it appears to be customary, I will start off here in this forum. My name is Jason Brennan. I live in Alabama. I participate in several other forums as well.
I have 8 burms, 3 red tail boas, 4 ball pythons, and one lone retic (he is waiting on his mate right now).
I don't have a whole lot to say right now, so I am just going to go browse the rest of this forum for a while.
Jason Brennan:grab:
"To truly rescue an animal one has to provide long-term care that guarantees the animal's security for its natural life, because rescuing is more than removing an animal from a bad situation. Rescue involves restoring and preserving the animal's dignity for its natural life without stress, and this includes conserving the species as a whole for generations to come." (Brian Werner, founder TMLF / TCWR)