Force fed after 9 months!!!!!
Well ive had my BP for a little of two years now and he was always a steady eater. This past year he's been a pain in my ***. The last time he ate was August of 05. Ive patientely been waiting for him to start eating again as i usually offer him a rat every three weeks or so since i was offereing them every two weeks prior with no luck. SO tonite i tried again and he seemed interested this time but no luck once again. So i said screw it and took him out of his cage and just gentley put the tip of the rat up to his mouth and he slowly begain to open. From there he did his thing and is now ingesting it. I know im probably gonna catch some slack from some of u for doing this but i can finally sleep a little easier knowing he has something in his stomach. I didnt consider it a "force" feed because i didnt force it in him, i simply offered it to him in different way. The conditions in his tank have always been the same so i dont understand why he was so picky for such a long time. I tried showing him that it wasnt winter anymore outside in hopes that it would get him to eat!!