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Old 02-17-06, 08:15 AM   #10
Join Date: Jan-2006
Posts: 30
WOW.the whole reason i left this site a year or so back after being here over 2 years was that if someone said something to "hurt someones feelings" it was like a lynch mob to like the poster above said bash the basher.i am glad to see at least one other person agrees with me.i think the original posters feeling should be the last thing to worry about here.the safety of the snake and any other animals that they own should be paramount.let us not forget that if this "mistake" happened and it could have been a 10 foot burm the cat is also in grave is both the cats instinct to see what is going on in every part of the house and the snakes instinct that the snake will defend its self. luckily neither animal has died (yet).i personally have 2 cats and i know if there is even one thing that the cat should nt do unless it is secured or blocked (like closing the snake room door all together or securing the enclouser properly) the cat can and will find that thing so it is the owners responsibilty to make sure the cat does'nt have the means to get i said if my posts angered them to the point they will think about my posts when closing lids and they dont make the mistake again them i was not sorry and if i am unpopular on an internet forum but if it saves either a snakes or a cats life then i hope i am the most least one other person gets my point. im sure they are upset that there snake got hurt but it was no one else fault but theres, so if i have sharp words then tough luck.there is no point in jaunting over what some says might hurt someones feeling the most important thing is my point clearly got across.and for the people who say im rude who was the one that is swearing at people calling them a$$holes?sure wasnt me. normal people find cursing more disrespectful than someone speaking there mind.but i guess since THERE snake got attacked by THERE cat from THEM leaving it unsecure somehow that makes THEM the victim. sorry but mabye my mind is clouded from my love of animals but isnt the snake and cat more of a victim than that person is?i sure think fact the person is not a victim in any way so i am not going to just say "oh poor you ,better luck next time".no im the type of person to say "oh poor snake mabye next you should be more careful and dont let yourself make a mistake".if people find that rude than crown me king if rudeness.BUT i am sure it was not intentional in which case i would have left it to my original post but then people come on here swearing at me and calling me rude so now i post to defend my self.if you dont like it then dont come on here making posts about me and i wont have to come back to defend my position.this is my last post on this thread unless someone comes on and posts about me or my position then i will make as many posts as it takes to defend myself because i am not in the wrong in anyway.if you are going to dislike me then do it but dont come on here to tell me i am rude because i dont care. if you are to take away anything from my posts let it be to double mabye even triple check everything is secure before you leave it. and dont get me wrong i would rather not be hated but if that is what it takes to get my point across i will GLADLY take it.if i offened anyone who is a responsible herper then for that i am sorry but if i offended anyone who will think twice and avert another "mistake" then i am very glad indeed. i didnt expect everyone to agree with my harsh post but i must say i am surprised only 2 other people agreed that the safety of animals should go before the emotional feelings of a person. so thank you dannyc and djcoreyd for seeing my point.

Last edited by .derek.; 02-17-06 at 08:20 AM..
.derek. is offline  
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