Strange BallPython behavior today..
OK, I am a little freaked out today because my Ball is acting funny today. When I woke up today, he had vomited his mouse that he had eaten on Saturday. This is tuesday, it was still whole. Yuck. I cleaned his cage, which seemed to make him happy..for a while. lol Now this evening he has been stricking the cage whenever I go near his cage. If I put my hand on the glass, he strikes at it. He has never done this before & he's only about 1 year old. We have owned his for about 6 months. We don't really take him out of the cage very often anymore, could this mean he is getting mean? Also, his cage is 84 degrees so I don't think the temp of the cage would have made his vomit. Anyone out there is some helpful info on this please!! reply.