I was just curious if anyone has seen this type of behaviour before...My emmy usually is fairly curious at night, looking all around but for the past couple of days it has been planting the tip of its mouth against the bottom of the enclosure and not moving, it stays posed in the same spot for hours, and its the same spot every night, within probly 1/4 inch. I have no water dish in there so I thought at first it was drinking from the water on the bottom of the enclosure, but it cant drink for hours without moving???
I seems healthy and stuff, eating regularly, defacating fine, temps are good for the first part of the evening it hunts as usual, then sticks its face in that spot.
I am posting a pic of her in the pose I am talking about, It is pretty dark in the room but I set a long shutter speed on my camera to get a clear pic...
I would really like to know what you all think, I am also posting a pic of her eating, I havent seen very many of them out there so I took a few good ones...