size change in 3 months *PICs*
I picked up this guy at the sept. 11 PCPC expo and when I brought him home one of the 1st things i did was take some pics of him beside a pop can for a size reference down the road........thought It would take longer then 3 months to notice a big difference. sept 11 he was 12-13 inches and now he is just past 20.
sept 11
dec 13
thanks for looking
0.0.1 Mali uromastyx , 0.0.1 Nigerian uromastyx , 2.3.0 Leopard geckos 0.0.1 savannah monitor 0.2 African clawed frogs , 0.0.1 pac man frog, 0.0.1 tomato frog , 0.0.1 whites tree frog , 0.0.2 Corn snakes , 1.1.0 Hog Island boa, 2.0.1amazon tree boas