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Old 11-18-05, 07:48 AM   #1
Join Date: Mar-2004
Age: 33
Posts: 213
couple of questions on snakes eating other snakes

question #1 is about ringneck snakes. I see ringnecks being sold as feeders and stuff but who on here likes them and would keep them as a pet. I would. to me they are a pretty little snake. I just don't see anyone on here that likes them. (I just got back on a couple of weeks ago)

question #2 I have always wondered about snakes eating snakes. I once had a video and it showed a mangrove snake (one of my favorite snakes) fighting and getting eaten by a king cobra. I felt sorry for the snake for a while. Well here in the U.S there are a lot of snake eating snakes. Like indigos, well do they prey on certain snakes or any that come along, like if a bull snake and indigo snake met up what would happen if they were almost the same size? I am not like a animal face-off love to see animals kill each other person but have wondered about it for a long time. like if a snake eater met another snake eater. Almost same sized coachwhip and indigo etc. you know? I once wanted a job on different species intereaction. like an american alligator met an american crocodile, would they fight or get along? kingsnakes and other snakes, I have heard of kingsnakes, cornsnakes,bullsnakes,copperheads,and rattlesnakes that would den together. Do their brains register that that is a different species of snake? Like hybridization do the snakes know they are different or do they not. Copperheads are my by far favorite snake, would they get a long with a cottonmouth,etc. I saw a special on animal planet were a guy (forgot who) was looking for an eastern diamondback and found one but then found a coral snake and the coral snake was attacking the camera because he was smelling the rattlesnake. I know some snakes are more "fit" to eat other snakes for instance coral snakes have the good body shape and mouth to eat other snakes while a copperhead has a mouth more fit for rodent consumption.

I have to go to school now and might add on to this.
current herps:

4 tadfrogs (mid-change from tadpole to frog) bullfrogs
1 alligator snapping turtle
1 red-eared slider
1 baby ( about 1ft long) american alligator
1 4ft american alligator
1 yellow anaconda
1.1 proven pair of brooksi kingsnake (true brooks)
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