do i need to feed more???
my ??? is very simple, but i dont know the answer.(lol) i have a red tail boa and she is eating 1 pre killed large rat. she is about 5 foot and a lil over 1 year. the thing is i think she can eat more than just 1 at her feeding all my snakes eats every sunday. and they are very set on that. but it seems that she can eat more. there is no bulge when she is done and by wed. she seems as if she wants more. but i dont want to over do her at one time and if i feed her during the week then i cant handle her. all my snakes get handled often,please dont jump on me for it, i truely think they enjoy it, they are all ready to come out when its there turn(i guess i have them spoiled but anyway) i have been wanting to ask this. and i have put up a few other threads on other things. i have learnd a lot from this web site. and greatful to everyone for if anyone can help i would love it.
1.1.0 ball
0.1.0 col. red tail