breeding mice for feeding???
I have got two female fancy mice and i am trying to breed them for snake food. I have got a male but when i put the male in the same cage as the two females it seems like he is kissing the female then he is trying to get on top of her but she squeeks and runs away. WHAT IS GOING ON?? IS THE MALE HURTING THE FEMALE? OR IS THE FEMALE PLAYIN HARD TO GET?? IM SO CONFUSED! ANY INFO WILL GREATLY BE APPRECIATED!! THANKS!!
:usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa:
:med2cool: = :medzoomey = :medskelet
OWNED: Gopher Snake, Green anoles, brown swift
HAVE: Eastern Kingsnake, ball python,amazon tree boa
:usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: