1rst try on frozen no go..
ok i got my ball from corey woods at the show.. hes a het for pied about 8 weeks old.. all successful feedings in a row... he was on live mice ( didnt take a f/t rat or mouse and wouldnt take a rat at first... thats why mice.. thats how it was explained to me).. and i am now trying to convert him to ft rats.. the conversion to rats was great... no hasle at all.. but last night i tried a f/t rat and no luck.. left in over night ect ect..
i have no doubt that i will be able to trade him over to f/t rats... i just want to know what to do now.. hes still young and i dont want him to not get fed for a few weeks.. he ate a rat 7 days ago.. so i tried him on f/t and he didnt take it ( wasnt really expecting him to) but what now.. do i offer him a pre killed or live one.. and try on f/t again next week... or in a few days should i try him on f/t... thanks for the help
enough animals. finally lowerd my herp collect to 40