empty cage.........soon.
Hey all! I need some help makeing a desision. Ive got a 6x4x4 cage that is soon going to be empty, I need help deciding what i could put in it. I would like to put in a colony of lizards in it, but im unsure of what to choose.
I have thought about loading it with bearded dragons, australian water dragons, sudan plated lizards, argentine tegus...I would like a social animal, i dont really care if there tame or not, i really would just like to breed a lizard and watch there social hierarchy. So im looking for suggestions, thanks all.
1.1 BCI
0.1.2 ball python
0.1.1 bearded dragon
1.0 yellowfoot tortoise
1.1 Crested Geckos
0.0.2 giant day geckos
0.0.2 curlt tailed lizards