In an effort to provide a custom enclosure for my BCI female, I am about 1/2 done. I have everything together, and the external is sanded, 4 runs, down to 240 grit. The inside is tomorrrow, and will be ready for staining and Polycrylic this weekend. Tracks and 1/4" Lexan worked out great, and is ready to go.
There is 5.25" inches underneath the enclosure, in which the UTH are attached. They are elevated-mounted by 1/8", to allow airflow between wood and element. Internally, there is 24' of white rope light, which will be on timer. A radiant heat panel above will provide added heat-insurance for ambient temps on warm side, and that will be internall-roof mounted.
The inside will be tile with a terra cotta tile and silicone adhesive, with substrate also.
Enclosure should be a slight bronze-cedar color when stained, and I will post back this weekend with more photos.
Here are some pics, let me know what you think.