heating melamine cage with heat lights?
i want to heat my new melamine enclosure with heat tape but it is going to be at my grandparents house and they think it will start a fire if i use heat tape so the only way i can have it over there is if i use heat lights. i tried to tell my grandpa that the heat tape (flexwatt) is low wattage and wont catch fire but he wont listen to me and he is very stubborn lol. i really dont like using lights to heat a cage because they burn out and you have to replace them (im talking about the ones at pet stores like exoterra), you have to turn them on and off, and heat rises therefore i think UTH is the best way to go. so is heating this cage with heat lights really that bad of an idea?
Dylan Lutz
1.1 BCI, 1.0 Bearded Dragon