Rat sizes
Hello everybody, i have a dumb question for ya.
Can somebody break down the sizes of rats in order and with approx measurements of length & width for me?? Weight does me no good as i don't have a scale so i can't compare. Seems every where i go to get my rats the sizes don't match, a medium can be as small as a hopper and vice versa depending where i go. It's driving me nuts, and now i never know what size to ask for. so please, somebody tell me what they should be!
1.1 Map Turtles, 1.0 Florida Red Belly Turtle, 0.0.1 Musk Turtle, 1.1 Leopard Geckos, 1.1 Bearded Dragons, 1.0 BCI, 1.0 Airedale Terrier