Hey guys~!
Just recently I was given a tarantula. I didn't get many details on it either. I believe he said it was a pink toe? And that is about all I know. Well...other than it is a baby (I think?). It is about the size of a dime (legs included) and I was told to make sure it always had water in its little cap and feed it a tiny cricket every week or so. Does this sound right to you guys? I am trying to do some reading up on it, but just wanted a generalization from you guys. It is in what looks to be a small plastic type bowl with dirt and some moss/greenery. The lid is meant for the enclosure as it screws on and has alot of air holes. The lid also comes with a nifty carrying handle Haha Am I going to have to upgrade the size in the future? And lastly...my girlfriend wants to know if it is poisonous. I told her probably not, but she wants to make sure. Thanks for the help guys!