Getting hatchling to eat?
Out of the 12 baby JCP's that hatched on 6/25, six have taken a F/T fuzzy mice.
The other 6 have not eaten. I tried feeding them again today and only 2 have taken the F/T fuzzy mice. I tried wiggling them about an inch from them and nothing, I decided to leave them in the tubs overnight. I think this weekend I'll go buy some live fuzzy mice and see how that works, at least to get them started.
None of my Boas have refused any of their meals.
Any recomendations?
JCP 1.2, Dumerils 1.2, Dubay Pastels 0.3, Albino 1.2, Het Albinos 1.1, DH Sunglow 0.1, Hypos 2.0, DH Ghost 1.0, Anery 0.1, Hogs 1.1