Hi, i have a 22 inch dominant male columbian redtail boa (BCI). I have him in a 10 gallon enclosure right now. the guy at the pet store says he was the baby of a 13 foot female and 10 foot male. He said that he will be anywere from 7 feet - 12 feet in size. Does anyone know how much it will cost to make a 15ftX4ftX5ft cage???
Heres a pic this is not my snake but looks alot like him.
tell me what you think of the cost and the snake!!
:medtoothy :medtoothy :medtoothy :medtoothy :medtoothy :medtoothy :medtoothy :medtoothy :medtoothy :medtoothy :medtoothy :medtoothy :medtoothy :medtoothy :atom: :atom: :atom: :atom: :atom: :atom: :atom: :medknight :medknight :medknight :medknight :medknight :medknight :medknight :med8ball: :med8ball: :med8ball: :med8ball: :med8ball: