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Old 07-08-05, 11:24 PM   #1
WALTER's Avatar
Join Date: Jul-2002
Location: Red Deer AB
Age: 53
Posts: 304
Exclamation Canada's Largest Reptile Show and Sale!!

Well the next show coming up is going to be Canada’s Largest Reptile Show and Sale. This show is put on by Mice & Things and is held at the Westerner Park, 4847A, 19th St, T4R- 2N7, in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada in the Northern Hemisphere on the planet Earth.
August 27 and 28, 2005.Now I hope no one will ask me where the show is this year and I will not get a GPS location either.

There is unlimited space and tables for the show. Tables are $30 ea and are non-refundable; tables are 8’, which have to be pre-paid. There is an online application at if that will not work for you email Bonnie at

The doors open on Friday around 6pm to set up and set up goes till 11-12pm; set up for Saturday morning will start around 7am. Doors open at 10am-5pm on Saturday for the general public and 9am for VIP passes. Sunday the doors open at 10am-5pm. There is also going to be a concession in the show as well for both days.

We advertise on 4 local radio stations in Red Deer, I also do the morning shows on all 4 as well to help promote the show; this all takes place the week of the show. This year we will be doing a live on location on Saturday and Sunday with a follow in Friday after noon leading up to the show. There is also going to be a ¾ or full page add, not sure yet, taken out in the paper that goes to over 240,000 homes the week of the show.

Last year there were over 110 tables booked and 3500 people that went threw the doors that weekend. We will also offer the bank machine again that is located right in the show area. Last year it put out just over 20k in the weekend and it will not run out either.

If anyone is wondering about the Red Deer show that has never been there before just ask around, it is still the talk of all shows. Here is a current vendor list and we are sitting around the 60 tables booked now. If you want to be added to the list you have to let us know.

Mice & Things
Wild Kingdom Reptiles
CANDEN Pets Supply
AJ Pets & Supplies
Canadian Captive Bred
The Island of the weird and wacky Dr. Mo
Cornel’s World Terrariums
Rocky Mountain Reptile Ranch
Little City Productions
Val & Elvin Falkenberg
Gord Redman
Darwin Oasis
J & M Rabbit Farms
Jamie McKinstrie
Red Line Exotics
The Dragons Tale
Andreas Eschrich
Kunimoto Reptiles
Gone Snakee!
RiverFront Aquariums
A-1 Chameleons
Debbie & Lindsay’s Snake Show
Neil Tyreman
Sticky Toes Herptoculture
Wrapped Up In Reptile
Dragons & Balls
Canadian Exotics
Jessica Jenkins
Pazuzus Preference
Scales Zoo
Corey Woods
Cranwill Reptiles
WALTER @ Mice & Things

Last edited by WALTER; 07-11-05 at 10:41 AM..
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