It's nothing that we haven't seen before in other areas like in breeding dogs. Many people looking for a pet, especially a first pet dont care if they get a "mut" Dragon. If it is a pretty color they are happy. Nothing will change that. Unlike dogs, BD genetics are very delicate. Breeding siblings, undersized BDs... are some things that occur when breeders dont understand or care about the future of the industry. Not all small breeders are careless or thoughtless. There are quite a few that work dilagently to improve the gene pool. Educating the public is very important. I still ask $100-$300 for my colorful BDs (I see other breeders still doing the same) and while I probably do miss a few sales I think that most reputable breeders are not dropping their prices to compete with the $50 BDs. The pendulum will swing back as people realize it is not profitable to continue breeding and selling babies for $10 each.