well...my baby ball died tonight..question....
well...it was pretty sad to see, but i don't think there was anything I could do for him. we've only had him a month and we had alot of problems with him from the beginning. He wouldn't eat, started to be less active, got mites and now this. I'm sure I got his mite problem taken care of and the tank all clean for one, but dunno about internal parasites. I noticed him acting very strange tonight by rolling his head and neck all around and in the air alot. I took him out of the cage and noticed that he felt really hard in some spots on his back and his throat was collapsed. I then opened his mouth and could see that his air way was completely closed off....what would cause such a thing. I dunno if he starved him self to death or if something else was wrong. His tank was within what i've researched to set it up as, kept handling to a minimum and tried to let him adapt to his new home. I just don't have a clue what killed him. I tried to do a search on some things, but it doesn't seem to be working right now. I'd like to learn from this because I plan on replacing him soon. I'm prolly gonna go with an adult now though...our other snake was bought as an adult and is wounderful. Any info would be greatly appriciated.
R.I.P damien.....
Last edited by cammngt; 06-28-05 at 11:51 PM..