So I checked my clutch of 2 brev eggs last night and one had popped. It took about 75 days at 72-75F with night time temps around 64-69F (few hot days in there too). The other one just hatched out this morning and from the color of the eye turrets, it looks male. Tiny little things, I had to use a spoon to get them out. I have another 6 that should hatch in another 30 days. The female that laid them is a really nice looking brev IMO. So hopefully those good genes got passed on. Hatching was the easy part IMO, now comes the difficult part – getting them to adulthood. These are my first chams that I have ever hatched and it fell on the day of my one year “cham” anniversary. Really stoked and at the same time worried. I will take some better pics later on, the babies looks stressed so I have to leave them alone for a while.
I know there are some really experienced pygmy keepers here so I am hoping for some tips. Thanks.