I went to the Serpentarium in Wilmington, NC while on vacation last week and took a few (over 100) pictures. They claim to have the largest collection of venomous snakes in the world and also are the only one's to captive breed the black headed bushmaster. The place was very nicely done with large enclosures for all of the snakes. In my excitement to see everything and take pictures I neglected to write down the names of any of them, so I am going from memory. Forgive me if I get the name wrong. Some of them I have no idea what they are so if you know, tell me and I'll update the post.
All pictures were taken with a Nikon D70 and a Sigma 105mm Macro lens.
1. Not Sure (rhino viper possibly?)
2. Not Sure (sharp nose viper?)
3. Not Sure
4. Black Head Bushmaster
5. Bushmaster
6. A type of cobra
7. Copperhead
8. Egyptian Cobra
9. Eyelash Viper
10. Fer-de-Lance
11. Rhino Viper
12. Eastern Green Mamba