How big is too big??
I was thinking of getting started on a new tank for my 6wk old leo, for when it gets too big for the 10gal I have now. (I want to take my time and get everything perfect thats why I'm starting now)
I was just wondering how big is too big? I wanted a tank thats about 2.5ft wide 1.5ft deep and 1ft. tall, would this big too big, I need to add that I might be thinking about getting him or her a companion depending on its sex. If its male I might get a female... though I'm not experienced enough for breeding so maybe not. If its a female I'll will for sure get another female. But if it turns out to be a male would that tank be too big for it.
Thanks in advance for everyone's help.
"I know when its time for me to die. So let me live my life the way I want to"
Jimi Hendrix 1942-1970
The Greatest Blues Musician of all Time