Ideas for Natural Habitat Decor
I adopted a red tail boa about a year ago. My fiance is the one who wanted her however he has decided she's not the snake for him. However she's my perfect match. She came with a 55 gallon tank, a dog bowl and a brick. This past week I invested in a 260 gallon size reptarium. I did my research and learned the pros and cons however I chose to purchase one since the cons I believe are fixable. I have it tall, so it stands 6 feet. I want to create a natural environment. The problem I'm having now is finding a small tree at least 4 feet tall to add to my reptarium. I need something she can climb. She's 5 and a half feet and about 2 1/2 to 3 years of age. Any suggestions?
Also, what is your opinion regarding humdifiers you add to the cage . At this point she has her own room (small bathroom), I mist her daily and I have her heat source shining down on her water tub for extra moisture in the air. Is there anything else I can do?
Lastly, how would you test or know if your snake is healthy or not.