breeding cornsnakes...
I put my male and female together on the week end to do a show and the male was trying to give me a show (if you know what I mean) lol. Anyway, because of all the interuptions and moving they didn't actually mate. I always have them housed separately. I was wondering if I should leave them together for a while and how long. This will be my first breeding of snakes. I have not done anything but lizards and skinks in the past and they all get together for the deed and then are separated again.
Funny thing is I didn't even condition them this year because I was only going to start next year. I thought my female was too young but she is a year older than the male who is 2, and almost as large as him.
Thanks in advance.
Herps are like pringles, you can't stop at just one.
'believe me I know!!'