Sad neonate Death
My jungle carpets just hatch ..
17-18 .. pretty happy about it except for one of them ..
About a week ago, the bottom of the egg started turning green and hardening (only bottom) .. I hoped for the best .. Two mornings ago, after almost all the other babies were hatched, I open the top of the egg to see a cute fully formed (but smaller) baby moving in his egg.
So I left him alone so he could soak up the yolk and come out when his ready .. I oppened the incubator that same evening to find him FULLY out of his egg dead .. He strangled himself with his obilical cord. He wraped it once around himself, then back around the cord itsself.
Really sad, the animal lived for a few minutes b4 dying ...
Is this commun? Has it ever happenned to anyone else?
Ill have pics up in a few days
1.3 Coastals 6.6 Jungles
3.4 West Papuan 1.0 Bred'ls
1.1 Yellow condas 0.1 Sebea
**looking for female Bredl's python**