vivarium with frogs and lizards
i want to turn my very large aquarium (about 4 feet long, 2 feet high and 1 foot wide) into a natural vivarium. i would love to fill it with tropical plants and things but it wont be complete without critters. i have my heart set on dart frogs and geckos, probably just small day gecko species. i was just wondering how many of them i could put in this size tank with out them geting stressed out or any thing because i definetly dont want them fighting or buggin each other. it would also be awesome to put 1 or 2 little chameleons in there if that was possible. or if theres any other creatures i could put in there please say so. thanks for any answers or comments.
0.0.1 tentacled snake, 0.1 brazilian rainbow boa, 0.0.1 black blood python, 1.0 jampea reticulated python, 1.1 yellow anacondas, 1.1 emerald tree boas, 3.1 BCIs, 1.1 ball pythons, 1.0 tiger salamander, 1.1 african giant millipedes, 0.0.2 cockatiels, 2.1 ferrets, 3.0 pet rats, some fish and more