Little help plese?
Hello all! Sorry for posting this without a picture, but my camera is not of the working variety! Anyway, I have a male corn sold to me as a baby as an okeetee, but he's definatly not. In fact, I think he may be a carmel corn as he has no red on his body and a lot of yellow. I've compared him to a few pictues of carmels online and in books, but I still am not sure of what I have. If anybody can post a pic of a carmel or in any ay hel me out, I'm be oh so appreciative. I really didn't care that much in the past, but I'm hoping to breed him to my female amel in the spring and I'd like to know whether to look for butters! (P.S. I'll try to get a pic ASAP!)
~ Alaska and
1.2 Corns - Nebula, Mystic and Mirage
0.1 Ball Python - Nevermore