just use 2 rubbermaids ( or another 10 gallon tank) with papertowel substrate and limited furnature just the basics... 3 hides 1 cool 1 warm 1 humid.. and heat pad under them... or any other possible heating.. just a really simple enclosure... well you know hot to care for leos.. so just do these 2 seperate from yours and seperate from eachother for a debateable periode of time.. some say 30 some say 60 some say 90.... just check for sickness, parasites, worms, mites, ect... clean regulary and youll be fine...
ive never done it either but my life basicly consits of houseing saving up for and reasearching reptiles and care needs.. i have a list of what to get...
so far on the list theres 3 types of geckos and about 10 or 11 total.. im prob gonna try to get them at one time off one person so im doin alot of reading right now
enough animals. finally lowerd my herp collect to 40