Cottonmouth Question....newbie
My husband and I recently bought land along a creek in Central Texas. I was exploring the creek by kayak today and came across several snakes entwined in some brush close to the banks of the creek. They did not peruse me, and I left the area ASAP.
I returned with my husband by land and we viewed the clump of brush from higher up on the banks. He identified them as Cottonmouths (he is former ranger for Texas Parks and Wildlife)and informed me they were venomous, curious and sometimes agressive.
I acknowledge that I am in the intruder in their environment, however I would like to feel comfortable in kayaking the creek by carrying some method of defense should I be approached by an aggressive individual.
I am wondering if anyone is aware of any spray that I could use in defense if I was approached on the waterway and was unable to retreat to safety? Do you know if common Mace or Pepper Spray are any deterrents to this type of snake?
I thank you for your time and any information,