Well the PSP came out today and of course I was foolish and spent $265.00 on it  it was an overall good purchase I'd have to say even though the movies aren't out for it yet it does come with spider man and a sampler game disc. My mom was with me so she decided she'd buy me Spiderman 2 for it. I have to say the game graphics look just as good as PS2 and X-Box just on a smaller scale and the movie picture is better than any portable DVD player I own and TV for that matter. Well I was just wondering what of you other fools paid this rediculous price on opening day? :-p
1.3 het ghost bps, 4.12.3 leos, 1.0 Tokay Gecko, 1.0 BCI, 1.0 Bearded Dragon, Emp. Scorpion,Red Bellied Piranha,Austrailian Cattle dog