I've recently rescued a snake from a friend of mine who bought it for his son, the guy's a **** and has'nt got a clue what he's doing.... I took the snake from him and now I'm taking care of it. I have some basic knowledge of reptiles which goes back to me keeping lizards.
Sadly my knowledge of snakes is slim to none, I've read many care sheets on the net since I got him (I'l call it 'him' I don;t actually know the sex) The first two days I had him I had the temperatures way too low, after buying my digital hygromoter and thermomoter, I've been able to maintain temperatures of 85 degrees F, and a relative humidity of 72 - 88%.
Before this the snake burned itself slighly on the heat matt which was only covered with a 2 layers of news print. I was wondering, would it be possible to mount the heat matt on the side of the vivarium (close to the candle bulb I use for heat) or do snakes need a heat mat on the bottom of the vivarium to keep warm, even if the vivarium is at the correct temperature.
I'l attatch some photos of my snake and set up, thanks to ImageShack.
The news print covers my heat mat, but i've had to keep my snakes hide box off it because it burns itself.
Extra info:
I use Aspen Proffesional Snake Bedding.
thank's in advance.