Just watched "I Love Huckabees"
For anyone who hasn't seen it yet, I was leary at first, but I thought it was definately worth renting afterwards. It is very unique and original. It has lots of laugh out loud parts and I definately want to watch it again, if not buy it. I highly recommend it, but it's one of those that you'll either love or hate. Any one else seen it?
1.4 Surinam(e) Bcc, 7.17 Ball Pythons, 2.6 Solomon Island Ground Boas, 2.2 Cornsnakes, 1.1 Colombian Bci, 1.2 Veiled Chameleons, 0.1 Uroplatus Sikorae, & lots of other creatures!!!
"Nevermind tomorrow, I'm not promised today"-innocent bystander :medtoothy
Last edited by HumphreyBoagart; 03-14-05 at 01:40 PM..