Hello everyone, today while at the local pet store I came across the hamster section, I had not kept hamsters in years though I decided that it would be nice to get back into the hamster hobby. So I purchased a 10g Aquarium (glass), shaved bedding, water bottle, and hamster pellets and seeds, now I moved over to the hamsters for my selection. I saw beautiful hamsters called "Golden Hamsters" I am not sure if this is there real name, if it is not; please verify. The male's upper body is a light brown, followed by a white mid section, and another light brown portion at his lower body, the female is all light brown and larger than the male. I placed them in the tank together with everything set up, the male is already burried in the shavings, and the female is running about and staring out the glass at the cats (the tank is locked and covered). She is also doing quite a bit of digging. I bought them for $7.99 each.
I would like to breed them and keep the majority of the babies. Though I would like to know if my setup is ok. Do you have any tips? I have not kept them for about years now, they are wonderful animals and im glad im back into the hobby. I have many other animals including; reptiles, fish, dogs, cats, and more, and was only missing the rodents