Oldie But Goodie! LOL!
It just seems to get funnier everytime I do it, but my favorite prank is leaving big perfect sheds in the living room or wherever to scare the $#!t outta my girlfriend. This one was a perfect 7 footer and has the nice visable saddles to add a little more realism to it all. Next time I need to get a pic of her face when she see's it! It's kinda mean, but it's too damn funny to stop!
1.4 Surinam(e) Bcc, 7.17 Ball Pythons, 2.6 Solomon Island Ground Boas, 2.2 Cornsnakes, 1.1 Colombian Bci, 1.2 Veiled Chameleons, 0.1 Uroplatus Sikorae, & lots of other creatures!!!
"Nevermind tomorrow, I'm not promised today"-innocent bystander :medtoothy