Tiger Salamander question
Can you have more than 1 male Tiger Salamander in a tank? Or will they fight? I was curious, because I want to get 2 more, but if males will fight I need to have my salamander sexed and find out what it is.
Oh and do adults even need a water dish to soak? I have one in the terrarium, a shallow dish, and he does go in every so often (dirt in the water, plus I have seen him laying in it, but very seldom do I catch it) I know if I plan on breeding them I will need a water section with some plants in the water, but I am not really interested at this time. Just need to know if he requires it.
Oh and it there a type of live moss you can use in terrariums? something very fine and soft, not deep, maybe 1 cm thick? Kind of like a sheet? I am going to be getting more sphagnum, but wouldn't mind a different texture than it.
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