Hi folks. I am having a bit of a dilemma when it comes to feeding my yellow rat snake. He has been eating rat pinky's for quite some time now and growing very slowly, but he swallows a rat pink down in seconds so I started feeding him 2. After some time he was still looking hungry after feeding him 2 so I gave him 3 and they went down no problems at all. I fed him a very small rat fuzzy last night which lasted him quite a while, and I dont think he could have managed an 'average' size rat fuzzy. So do I keep feeding him multiple rat pinks or try to move him up to fuzzies?? Also, what sort of size should an 18 month old yellow rat snake be?? Pictures anyone?? I am starting to think that he is way to small, compared to what he should be. I presume he is a male because he is very small (I THINK)
Ball Python (Chunk)
Yellow Rat Snake (Jasper)
Irian Jaya Carpet Python (Monty)
Common Boa Constrictor (Noodle)