escaping baby corn
oh what fun i have had recently. i took a fall from a skateboardand and hurt my knee rather badly. (yes,even woman my age use them)
i now require surgery to repair the torn ligament. (good fun in itself)
my boa now loves to wrap herself around my leg, which can be a little uncomfortable. (i swear she is laughing at me)
my daughters baby corn then decides to explore her surroundings after escaping from her enclosure. there i was on my hands and knees looking for her, to no avail.
i ransacked the house looking for her. could i find her, no.
it was two days later that she decided it was time to show herself.thank god.
she too, must have had a good laugh at my expense.
she is now happy, and back in her home.
the moral of this story is, dont fall off a skateboard and dont lose a snake.
The Flying Boa :W