Punnett squares
Please help me to better understand the Punnett square combinations that are shown on Tim Cranwill's Captive Bred Snakes website.
This is an excellent site for many reasons, but the genetics section is particularly informative.
I am looking at the very last example which illustrates how one would produce a "Snow Ball Python".
This clearly explains how the one in sixteen chance of producing a "Snow" comes into effect.
My question is what each of the other squares would represent.
Am I correct in my interpretation of the 16 squares as follows?;
Statistically there could be,
1 Normal
3 Albinos
3 Anerys
2 Het for Albino
2 Het for Anery
4 Dbl Het for Anery/Albino
1 Snow
Thanks Tim; I hope you don't mind me using your site for my homework.