If you want to stay 'realistic', don't plant use cacti. They evolved exclusively New Wold plants (though one species also appears naturally in the Old World). Any cacti in the Old World were transported there, not native plants. Old World equivalents are the Spurge family, or Euphorbiaceae. The Namib Desert is so dry, most of the moisture comes from fog rolling in from the ocean, plants have a particularly hard time living there so they're alnmost foreign to the native animals. Some plants to exist there, very specialized and able withstand the extreme drought and temperature range each day. Since your gecko's instinct doesn't cover spiny, you have to really be careful what you use. I'd stick to growing softer succulents, no tough skinned or sharp edged ones like cacti and Sansevaria. Sansevaria can also have a toxic sap.... not good to use with a gecko that would be inclined to lick almost any liquid it finds.