For anybody that replied to my thread, thanks. guess I should get a rubbermaid. Are there any REPTILE heating pads that you can buy?? I Do have rubber maid, but its like a tall one. I did try the rubbermaid out, but I couldnt get the heat over 80. I couldnt get the humidity high. For heating I was using a Cobra heat mat, But I returned it. At the time I was using those lil dial things to tell humidity and heat, but I heard they arent good. A week or so ago I went to a reptile show an Got a digital humidity/ temp thing, thats digital, from I Decided I was going to go back to a tank (At the time I was setting up a rubbermaid but the project failed) and Here I am AGAIN with humidity problems. Im not sure why the humidity wasnt working well, but I couldnt get the heat good. so my REAL Q is,If I go to a local drugstore I should get a human heat pad? What kind and how do I get the temps axactly between 90-95? And The bedding I am CURRENTLY u7sing is aspen shavings. And For the rubbermaid, I would like to use the same bedding since I bought a HUUUGE bag and its 3 cubic square feet big...And I REALLY dont want to get rid of it.
Please help,