Originally posted by Cake
There is also inertial homeothermy to be conisdered when talking about large exothermic(cold blooded) animals.
Isn't this the basis of my post?
Originally posted by Cake
The long neck length of the brontosaurus leads some reasearchers to think that it may have possesed a four chambered heart. Which is another endothermic charecteristic.
I've also read about the possbilty of a four-chambered heart to overcome the forces opposing blood flow to the head, interesting.
As an aside, the name
Brontosaurus was formally removed from the records of palaeontology in 1974. Not that it really matters (what's in a name, really?), but the so-called
Brontosaurus is really the
And Cake is right on the money with the bone histology aspect. I completely forgot about the presence of Haversian canals in the bone of certain dinosaurs (possibly suggesting endothermy).
P.S. Has anyone heard of the new $25 million museum opening in Kentucky this spring? It hopes to lure Americans interested in learning how dinosaurs and man co-existed millions of years ago...