Which snake
Well I have narrowed down my selection for my next pair of snakes and need some help and suggestions.
1. Jungle/irian carpet python
These sound like great snakes and can be kept on large mice which is a plus, they are beautiful but the only thing that worries me is their aggressiveness and whether I will be able to get a pure strain here in south Africa. what you think?
2. Ball python
My main concern with the ball python is obviously the feeding, to spend quite a lot of mone and then get a snake which does not eat will be terrible. The other thing is how large a prey size do you move up to, bunnies will be a mission to get.
3. Columbian Boa constrictor
My only concer here is that they are not great looking as adults compared to that of the other three snakes here but as far as I know can be kept on large mice and have good temprements.
4. Brazilian boa constrictor
The most expensive of the lot but also one of the most beautiful. what you think of these guys. If I created an enclosure big enough with a heating pad on one side with a large water bowl on top of it, a few branches and hides, would this suffice for humidity and temp or are they really fussy?
I am basically thinking of adding a pair which will add to my collection of three corn snakes which don't get too big and will not pose too grat a problem finding food for them.
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