Well Bob has been beeing good for ahwile eating every week until he stopped again for a month and a bit, despite what I tried he just wouldn;t eat. Anyways today I bought him a live fuzzy mouse just out of desperation and he gobbled it down immidately. The second he got to the head ( He likes eating them backwards:S) he just stopped and regurgitated the body

I really don;t know what to do with him he's just so random when it comes to eating I keep him in very clean conditions and he has no mites. I'm begging to think it might be a internal parasite or diese though he's feces appear normal, do you think its something I should get checked out with a vet or simply a very stubborn hoggie?
To give some background info he's just turning one this month and is around 5-7inchs he's very skinny maybe only a cm at the thickest part, very un- hoggy like and was from bought from a pet store and had been force feed his whole life while he was at the pet store ( 3 months) When I brought hime home at first he switched over really well to dead then he started going on and off sometimes accepting dead sometimes only live and so on.