Havent contributed to this site in along while. Thought it might be time. Some of these photos may look familiar to a few of ya'll. Pics are from the last few months in south east texas.
Lampropeltis Calligaster Calligaster
Lampropeltis Getula Holbrooki
Pantherophis Guttata Slowinski, I believe

Diadophis Punctatus Stictogenys, These snakes are pretty rare in south east texas to say the least.
Thamnophis Sirtalis Sirtalis, these are pretty scarce in south east texas also. I've managed to turn up five of these along the coast, unfortuantely they have all been in the same condition.
Coluber Constrictor Flaviventris
Ambystoma Texanum

Not sure of their common name ?
A few habitat pics
-Scott W